For the success of the companies is essential that the main objective of the Department of Human Capital is getting committed people and superior performances that generate added value to the business or to the principal activity of the Organization.
Through our Human Capital Consulting services in arin innopeople we provide our knowledge, tools and methodology needed for:
- Provide leaders and organization Human Capital professionals appropriate TOOLS (added value solutions) to manage their partners.
- Sort the activities, processes and the operation Human Capital Area aligning it with the strategy and activities of the different levels in the Organization.
- Know the value that each task contributes to the customer (internal / external) and facilitate the recognition and elimination of wasting.
- Facilitate a participatory deployment that allows to set goals on people of the Organization to meet process objectives: strategic, business and operational.
- Establish the basis of progress towards the excellence.
Major currently provided consulting services are:
- Diagnosis of Human Capital policies.
- Diagnosis of needs for training.
- Analysis of the satisfaction of the people.
- Definition of People Management key processes.
- Optimization of organizational structures.
- Description and assessment of jobs roles.
- Development of promotion and career.
- Management and performance evaluation.
- Remuneration policies.
- Organizational mision, vision and values.
- Communication plans.